Tuesday 31 January 2012

Models International Management's F/W 2012 Show Package

Ottawa Fashion Week F/W 2012 is fast approaching and with that said, the agencies are getting ready.
In bigger markets come show season you can expect to see the show packages from the modeling agencies touting whose in town and whom you should expect to see on the runways. Smaller markets tend to pass up on this even if there is a fashion week. This season however M.I.M shared a wonderful surprise, their F/W 2012 show package beaming with some amazing faces! (To top it off, the show package has a real slick appeal to it too).

Going through the list of faces, certain names grab your attention in anticipation of seeing them work the runways. So here are our picks of who we expect to be seeing a lot from this season. (Take a look at the full show package below!)

Victoria - If you've been to Toronto or Montreal Fashion Week, then M.I.M;s Victoria is no new face for you! The veteran of the runway will no doubt be a staple for this seasons shows.

Delaney - Delaney has that runway charm that we fully expect to win over many designers this season.

Tristan - This new face has the legs for the runway so we can't wait to see her use them. (p.s. we love her eyebrows).

Gabriel - His cool stare, accompanied by a smooth strut will no doubt assist him in securing a place in several shows.

Santana - Santana's demure and classic demeanor give her a fantastic chance of being booked by several designers.

Photos courtesy of Models International Management (Ottawa)

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